Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Sensify Holdings Limited’s (“Sensify”) modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2020.
Sensify deplores slavery and will never tolerate it in our organisation or any part of our supply chain. This statement highlights the actions we take to eliminate the risk of human trafficking and slavery in connection with our business.
Supply Chains
Our supply chains include the manufacturers and suppliers of certain of the products that we sell. A number of these have manufacturing facilities outside of the UK. It also includes the suppliers of our IT equipment and the professional services of our accountants, legal, and Human Resources advisers.
Our Staff
Before employing staff, they are required to provide proof that they are eligible to work in the UK. Unless such proof is provided we will not employ them. Our Employee Handbook sets out our zero tolerance policy on modern slavery and this is highlighted to all new employees. Our Whistleblowing policy is also available to employees at all times. This provides a route for them to raise concerns -- such as modern slavery -- without fear of reprisal.
Due Diligence
While we are confident that no modern slavery is taking place within our direct organisation, we are supplied by companies with manufacturing bases in parts of the world such as China and Turkey, where the threat is potentially high. Before working with new suppliers we check the source of each product and the supplier’s actual manufacturing facility and confirm the suppliers’ policies including, inter alia, reference to safe and clean working conditions; equal and fair treatment for all workers; and that all workers get a living wage.
We have also implemented systems to mitigate the risk of modern slavery with our existing suppliers and to identify and monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.